
Laugh from the bottom of your heart!

We will start our blog with laughter, as it is very important to understand this physical and emotional need in these difficult and uncertain times.

Along with the fact that laughter indicates good times with lovely people, it is also a healthy response to difficult times.

Countless of times I have found myself laughing when the moment gets tense or hard to accept.
I used to get mad at myself because of it (how can you laugh now? It is such a rude reaction!). I started to laugh when I heard that my best friend had passed away. Sounds rude?

But now I know better, I know that this is really a healthy way for the body to react.

Laughter is a natural reaction for situations that are new and scary,  as we do not know how to behave, so this is like a self-defence reaction.

Why are there so many jokes and funny videos running in social media, after all, times are serious and uncertain?
I personally find all these jokes about toiletpaper quite justified nowadays!

Laugh, laugh, laugh!

what we should understand is that generating laughter is in fact a life saving reaction, so don ´t hold back the laughter!

A good, hearty laugh relieves physical tension and stress, leaving your muscles relaxed for up to 45 minutes after.

We have all heard the phrase “laughter is the best medicine” and this has actually been proven to be very much true!


- Is linked to the healthy function of blood vessels
- Improves emotional health
- Lowers stress and anxiety
- Laughter boosts the immune system. Laughter decreases stress hormones and increases immune cells and infection-fighting antibodies, thus improving your resistance to disease.
- Beneficial to the respiratory system
- Plays an important role in social bonding

There is a prayer:

-Give to us laughter, O Source of our life. Laughter can banish so much of our strife! Laughter and love give us wholeness and health. Laughter and love are the coin of true wealth.

-Give to us laughter as sign of deep joy; let us in laughing find Christian employ, joining with stars and with bright northern lights, laughing and praising and sharing delights.

-Even in sorrow and hours of grief, laughter with tears brings us healing relief! God, give us laughter, and God, give us peace, joy of your promise among us increase.

Famous quotes: 

-“A day without laughter is a day wasted.” Charlie Chaplin
- “Laughter is poison to fear.” George R.R. Martin
- “There is nothing in the world so irresistibly contagious as laughter and good humor.”
- “I have not seen anyone dying of laughter, but I know millions who are dying because they are not laughing.”

SO laugh!
For heaven sake laugh, for GOD is laughing!;)
  1. “God has a smile on His face.” — Psalm 42:5
  2. “God, who sits in Heaven, laughs!” — Psalm 2:4

Bless you and lots of love and laughter!!!